Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Lincoln Freshers Week!

I'm 3 days into my 1st week at the University of Lincoln. I'm struggling to find the energy to write this blog entry, too much alcohol and not enough proper food i think! Haven't even un-packed my camera yet, been too busy meeting new people and finding my way around! My degree (Contempory Lens Media) is looking really good! Had an induction lecture today!

Gonna just uplaod some shots i took a few weeks back of a lovely model called Katie! I had a few ideas so we had a go at them all. One idea i like in particular was the "Sexy Secret Agent" look. Katie was perfect, Blonde curly hair and piercing eyes. Hopefully i'll get some pics of the town and post them soon! Back to party land for me now though! Back soooon!


1 comment:

Jimbob Poyner said...

hey ben, off to a flying start I see. Blog looks ace. Just back from a weeks hold to avoid meltdown. Get more stuff up here matey you must be spoilt for choice for local subjects ;o) jim