Tuesday, 28 October 2008

ALL expenses paid trip to Rome!


Yes please!

I left york on friday morning at 5am, It was a killer! Flew with jet2.com to Roma airport and we arrived at about 12.30 local time. Managed to persuade University to let me take the sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens overseas after showing them the company insurance. Rome was amazing as i thought it would be! I wont bore you with pics of the hotel but believe me it was INCREDIBLE. 5* luxury hotel and we didnt have to pay a penny. The company even provided us spending money. I dined in some quality restaurants and ate some of the best food I have ever tasted in my life. The bill for the first nights 3 course meal including champagne and wine for 21 people was the same as an average monthly wage! To be fair everyone that went worked very hard for it and it was a nice feeling been able to spend Philip Greens money. Took some pretty good photographs when we went to The Vatican and The Colosseum. Overall it was a great experience and I had ALOT of fun. It was nice to see all the guys again and have a break from uni! As usual i hope you enjoy my photos too.


(P.s. Prints can be purchased if you are interested - Colour/Black + White - Email me...)

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Thursday, 16 October 2008

Project 1 (Photo)

Brief : Colour 'Adventures In The Everyday'


My concept was 'colour-blindness'. I chose this mainly because I'm actually colour-blind myself. I thought it might be interesting to try show how i see colours or to show through an image how my colour vision is restricted. Enjoyed the project, went on two shoots in total and spent probably way too much on printing. Learning curve though ey? I know for next time!
All images were shot on RAW.
Equipment used:
[Canon 400D - Canon 24-70mm f2.8 - Hoya UV filter]

Hope you enjoy looking at the shots.


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Friday, 10 October 2008

Video Project 01! "Contrasts"

Apologies for late post! Have been sooo busy with course and work etc etc. (Plus alot of socializing AKA drinking) Anyway, First video brief : 'Contrasts' 30 second film with no dialog! After throwing a few ideas round we decided to go with "footwear"!
To try show in 30 secs perosnal IDentity through peoples footwear sounded like a fun idea to play with. We went out and shot all the footage in one day, It took about 2 hours. Shot in 16:9 (widescreen). George who has mastered garage band with his friends helped on the soundtrack front. A nice simple beat with guitar and i believe some keys, We beat synced as best we could. The only trouble was we were restricted to IMOVIE HD and as any pro videographers out there will know that its a pretty restricting editing suite. But we still did a good job in my opinion! Anyway, enough talk. Here it is.. Enjoy. feel free to leave feedback or critisism.

Coming soon : My first photography project!!
"colour - Adventures in the Everyday"

In process of mounting and finished so will upload on next post!!


Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Lincoln Freshers Week!

I'm 3 days into my 1st week at the University of Lincoln. I'm struggling to find the energy to write this blog entry, too much alcohol and not enough proper food i think! Haven't even un-packed my camera yet, been too busy meeting new people and finding my way around! My degree (Contempory Lens Media) is looking really good! Had an induction lecture today!

Gonna just uplaod some shots i took a few weeks back of a lovely model called Katie! I had a few ideas so we had a go at them all. One idea i like in particular was the "Sexy Secret Agent" look. Katie was perfect, Blonde curly hair and piercing eyes. Hopefully i'll get some pics of the town and post them soon! Back to party land for me now though! Back soooon!


Thursday, 11 September 2008


Its September 11th and today my blog is born! This week has been VERY busy for me! I am leaving the city (York) on Sunday 14th, making my way to the city of Lincoln! I will be living there for 3 years whilst studying Contempory Lens Media at the very modern looking univesity. Back to my busy week... I've been sorting my room/belongings out, sorting my financial situation, purchasing vital appliances, shooting some panorama stuff (which I'll hopefully show you on this post) for leaving presents etc, having them printed and finally I shot a wedding today in York.

As usual I accompanied Mr Jim Poyner @ www.jimpoyner.com. The couple were lovely and the whole thing was in Deans Court Hotel which is situated NEXT DOOR to York Minster. Beeeeuatiful place to take photos of Brides and Grooms! You will see many a photographer shoot their cliens there. Hopefully have some of the shots from the wedding up soon after post production and permission from Poyner!

Back to my Panorama stuff.. MASSIVE files so heres a smaller version. I'm having this Block Mounted and will be taking it to lincoln with me as its my favourite! I think there was 7 or so frames that i stitched together to make this loooooovely photo!

Train station pan